The Grind Show is a 3D Animated Series inspired by music, technology, and the spirit of hustle! We are creating Animation Videos and Music on YouTube to lead up to the first season of the show!
“Nothing worth having comes easy!”
Grind Hard!
GOV’T NAME: Vincent Brown
AGE: 16
ALIAS: Vision
RAP STYLE: Story Teller, Flashy
CHARACTER TRAITS: Visionary, Dreamer, Videographer, Risk Taker, Unorganized, Forgetful, Passionate
The visionary of the crew! Viz is a teenage videographer who will most likely have his head in the clouds thinking about the perfect shot or his next crazy idea! He puts a lot of time and energy into his friends and his personal projects. He is overly proud of the few followers on his social media. Although he doesn’t care much for planning ahead, He is very driven, confident, and determined to conquer any obstacle in his way!